An estimated 13,000 job-years are created for each $1 billion in highway construction according to the FTA and White House.
Traffic costs Americans about $1.7 trillion per year:
- $425 billion per year for oil.
- $871 billion per year in accidents, alternate data source.
- 40,100 road-deaths in 2017.
- 2.31 million injuries in 2013.
- $305 billion per year in congestion.
- $109 billion per year in car damage from poor road maintenance.
- ASCE estimates $2.046 trillion to fix ground transportation with Grades of:
- “D” for roads
- “D-” for transit
- ASCE estimates $2.046 trillion to fix ground transportation with Grades of:
We can have grade “A” mobility. Restore free markets and mobility will digitizing to replace 25 mpg Model T with:
- Last-mile (Bluetooth) solutions of scooters, self-driving cars, etc….
- Local Area Networks (WiFi) of JPods, etc….
- High-speed between cities (Fiberoptics) of Hyperloops, etc….
Millions of jobs were created digitizing communications into the Internet. Using government estimates, at least 65 million job-years will be created digitizing transportation into the Physical Internet®.
Unlike the Internet, vast numbers of jobs will be in construction and manufacturing.